



    1600 x 900 - Plexos (13)-1


      Grant Funding

      Plexos Helps New Mexico Mitigate Effects of Disasters

      Plexos Helps New Mexico Mitigate Effects of Disasters

      Plexos Group coordinates advance protective measures, as well as mitigation program applications that enable New Mexico to facilitate long-term...

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      Plexos staffing augmentation and emergency operations helps New Mexico wildfire recovery

      Plexos Augments Staffing and Emergency Operations After Wildfires

      Plexos Group is supporting the State of New Mexico by providing streamlined and direct assistance to individuals who were impacted by the wildfires...

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      Plexos Group supports Galveston, Texas, in maximizing mitigation funding for drainage projects

      City of Galveston | CBDG-MIT Funding Partnership

      Plexos Group is partnering with the City of Galveston, Texas, to maximize mitigation funding for projects that boost community and infrastructure...

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      North Carolina Office of Recovery and Resiliency | Hurricane Matthew

      North Carolina Office of Recovery and Resiliency | Hurricane Matthew

      Plexos provided CDBG-DR Subject Matter Expertise (SME) and ongoing support to the North Carolina Office of Recovery and Resiliency (NCORR) for a...

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      City of Columbia, South Carolina, Community Development Department October 2015 Flood

      Plexos provided FEMA Public Assistance and HUD CDBG-DR Subject Matter Expertise (SME) and training for management and oversight of $26 million in...

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