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      North Carolina Office of Recovery and Resiliency | Hurricane Matthew

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      Plexos provided CDBG-DR Subject Matter Expertise (SME) and ongoing support to the North Carolina Office of Recovery and Resiliency (NCORR) for a variety of CDBG-DR initiatives related to include housing, buyout/acquisition, infrastructure, environmental review, and financial management. 

      Plexos' Work for the North Carolina Office of Recovery and Resiliency After Hurricane Matthew

      Services provided as part of this engagement included:

      • Development of Action Plan Amendment 3 in order to adjust CDBG-DR funding caps to better address unmet recovery needs and accelerate assistance in North Carolina communities.
      • Redesign of the state’s Housing Manual to reflect the eight-step process and increase ease of use by the state, subrecipients, and program vendors.
      • Creation of the NCORR Uniform Relocation Act (URA) and Temporary Relocation Assistance (TRA) Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to provide guidance for managing housing recovery initiatives in compliance with the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Act.
      • Creation of the state’s Buyout and Acquisition Manual which identified Disaster Risk Reduction Areas (DRRAs) and outlined policies and procedures for the purchase and disposition of properties in accordance with CDBG- DR requirements.
      • Policy guidance on two major issues (1) Subsequent Damage Policies and Talking Points for Hurricanes Matthew and Florence and (2) 3-Year Deed Restriction/Disparate Impact Issue Resolution.
      • Development of waiver requests for (1) extension of the CDBG-DR Reimbursement deadline, which was approved by HUD, and (2) Section 414 Waiver.
      • Creation and management of Change Control Board, Eligibility and Exceptions Panel, and Program Complaints and Appeals processes.
      • Streamlining of program Grant Agreements and monitoring requirements.
      • Guidance on Quality Assurance/Quality Controls Processes and Checklists.
      • Technical assistance to executive leadership, and housing, legal, public facilities, and financial staff.

      Plexos Group is proud to have partnered with NCORR, providing much-needed support during a difficult time. Our experience and expertise allowed NCORR to quickly recover from the effects of Hurricane Matthew, helping those affected start on their journey to rebuilding their lives. Plexos is committed to continuing the spirit of collaboration in providing innovative solutions and supporting those affected by natural disasters.

      Community Assistance & Housing Programs | Plexos Group

      About Plexos Group

      plexos_logo-2Plexos Group supports SLTT governments across the country in managing federal funding programs including the American Rescue Plan, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, FEMA, HUD, and other funding programs as well as implementing large-scale, complex infrastructure projects made possible through public and private funding.

      Contact Us to learn more about how we can help your organization maximize federal funding programs, limit risk, maintain compliance with federal laws, and leverage Projexis™ technology to expedite your next project.