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      Plexos Supports New Mexico's Response, Disaster and Mitigation Efforts

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      Plexos Group mobilized to support the State of New Mexico after a historic 2022 wildfire season and subsequent monsoon season.

      Plexos is supporting New Mexico in managing the FEMA-PA program by providing technical expertise, project formulation, cost estimation, and policy/process development. The team quickly responded to a range of immediate needs statewide, supporting project development to the FEMA Public Assistance Program, advocating for eligible households to the FEMA Individuals and Households Program and Direct Housing Program, oversight of emergency drinking water and wastewater treatment plants, and coordinating 75+ agency partners through Lines of Effort for recovery. This team is focused on state and local access to large grant resources including Hermit’s Peak Calf Canyon Claims and CDBG-DR, and is coordinating federal and state partners to get non-PA grants.

      Quick Ramp-Up, Comprehensive Disaster Recovery Services

      As part of our comprehensive disaster services, we ramped up a team of 27 staff – including 11 on-site personnel – to both enhance support to ongoing FEMA Stafford Act program delivery by the state, as well as to provide a full-service Disaster Case Management (DCM) Program, assist financial reconciliation of projects prior to payment, and build capacity for delivery of hazard mitigation programs. These efforts are designed to both facilitate immediate response and recovery program delivery, as well as to grow capacity and preparedness for the state’s ability to respond to future disasters.

      Disaster Recover & Response | Plexos Group



      AshleyAshley Saulcy's experience spans private sector, non-profit, government, and international development organizations, Ashley helps under-resourced workplaces complete complicated tasks quickly and efficiently. A systems thinker specializing in project management and disaster recovery programs, she coordinates lines of effort for New Mexico's recovery engaging 75+ federal, state, and local partners. Read more about Ashley here.

      Contact Us to learn more about how we can help your organization maximize federal funding programs, limit risk, maintain compliance with federal laws, and leverage Projexis™ technology to expedite your next project.